IOPT Deep-Dive 2 working days with Vivian Broughton (in-person!)
We want to invite you for a unique opportunity to meet and work with Vivian Broughton here, for two long days, live in Utrecht.
This very special events takes place at 19/20 SEPT in our own space “Your Space Concordia”, Concordiastraat 68 in Utrecht.
We will start at 9.30 hours and from 9.00 onwards the doors are open and coffee is hot.
This day is an open workspace for IOPT-practitioners and for IOPT-informed people, led by Vivian.
She will work with your own intentions; names will be taken from the hat.
This is an opportunity to set your own intention, to learn from resonating and to reflect on the pieces of work.
The contribution we ask for these days is 444 euros.
The size of the group is limited to maximum of 16 people
This ticket includes coffee, tea and fruits. Please bring your own lunch, exactly as you like it.
This day will be connected to the Dutch translation of Vivian’s latest book “Trauma en Identiteit” (“Trauma and Identity”), issued by Uitgeverij Mens! (2023).
We are looking forward to meeting you again
Warm regards,
Rens Meijkamp
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